Healing Codependency

with Erika Wright

Women's Medicine Group - Starts May 8, 2024

Made of Stars


Get sober about love and all of your feelings. Your feelings are not an emergency which means they don't have to run your life. It's helpful to know the difference between behaviors (possible to change), feelings (how much power do you give these and why?), love (what does real unconditional love feel like?), and thoughts( are your thoughts even true?).

This is where you get out of the polarized thinking of (right/wrong/good/bad/love/hate...and other opposite extremes) and fundamentalism (which is the idea that there is one solid truth for everyone) and learn how to hold many opposing truths at once. You do this so you can lose interest in being right and experience your connection with other people (you don't agree with) in a fuller way.


Let's discuss if this program is the right fit for you.

*New* Healing Codependency Support & Counseling Groups

6-month Online Groups starting in July!

Early registration discount through May 1, 2024 - $500 per month.


"I needed a space to witness other people and know that I’m not alone in my experience. I’m inspired by the courage and integrity of the group. When you can witness transformation in other people, you can believe that it’s possible for yourself."

— A. D.